Our achievements
Greenhouse Lefort 1 – 1 MW Hot Water Boiler (Greenhouse)
Greenhouse Lefort 1 – 1 MW Hot Water Boiler (Greenhouse)

Greenhouse Lefort, a 2x 6 MW boilers installation was the company first project. It was signed in December 2010, installed in July 2011 (1.5 month) and commissioned in December 2011 after the arrival of cold days. It was designed to heat 10 hectares (24 acres) of greenhouses.

From inauguration, the project was recognized as a landmark installation in the field of biomass conversion. It gained media exposure and was recognized by AQME (Quebec’s Association for the Mastery of Energy) who also awarded the project developer a prize regarding greenhouse gases reduction project for the province.

The boiler room consists of 2x 6MW boilers that are each fed with 2 automatic moving floor and independent conveyor equipment.

Boilers controls have been designed to be switched from a self-controlled mode (providing energy as needed by the heating network) to a slave-mode where a climate management controller can command their mode of operation based on weather forecasts, or owner’s preferences.

The operator can access the boiler controller from its office, or from its home office. Connection of the boiler room to the internet network ensures that it can be accessed any time by the operator of Compte Fournier after-sales service team to support in order to provide full support to the client.


“From propane to wood”
story in the Greenhouse Canada magazine, January 2012

2X 6 MW boilers, hot water, recycled wood pellets as fuel